Elder law planning is often something people don't consider until there is a crisis. Their mother falls down the stairs, and they suddenly recognize that she may need to move into a nursing home. Older adults may begin planning as quickly as possible after a diagnosis...
Helping People Age With Dignity And Peace Of Mind
Elder Law
What is elder law?
Elder law is a specialized area that focuses on the legal needs of seniors as they age. For a host of reasons, understanding the ins and outs of this field is crucial for those approaching their golden years. Getting the correct information and guidance is essential...
What those saving for retirement should know about the SECURE Act
In 2019, the federal legislature passed a bill called the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act. The original SECURE Act allowed more workers to make contributions to traditional IRA retirement savings accounts and increased the age at...
A serious talk with your aging parents on living arrangements
This upcoming talk is overdue. You know it, and your parents know it. This discussion centers on housing options for your aging parents. Realistically, the family home is now much too big for them to maintain. In addition, your mother and father, sometimes, could use...
The elder law issues that require attention and guidance
Elder law encompasses a wide range of areas. Any one of them such as long-term care, guardianship and estate planning may likely surface in your life as well as the lives of loved ones. And whenever these issues do, they must be addressed by you, your family and a...
Gaining guardianship of a loved one with dementia
There may come a time when adult children have to make the decision that their elderly parent needs extra care. Giving elderly people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related illnesses in Massachusetts the care they need may include becoming a guardian for a parent....
Three red flags of financial elder abuse
As your elderly loved ones age, they may begin to have difficulty managing their finances. When coupled with memory problems, your aging loved one may be an easy target for abuse. By knowing what signs to look for, you can help protect them from financial...