People thinking about writing a will or any other estate documents will want to make sure everything is in order for their heirs. Estate planning in Massachusetts should be comprehensive. In other words, an estate plan needs to ensure they have all the...
Helping People Age With Dignity And Peace Of Mind
Estate Planning
Can I help my parents preserve their assets?
One major concern of adult children of elderly parents is that their parents' assets will all be drained in order to pay for the care and medical treatment they may later need. That's a legitimate concern for sure.But the good news is that there is a way to both...
Building a financial emergency kit during estate planning
It is always wise to be prepared for things that might not happen. When Massachusetts residents begin doing some estate planning, experts say they should also consider putting into place a financial emergency kit for their families, just in case. Those types of...
Estate planning, there is no time like the present
The quote by Benjamin Franklin, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today," can apply to so many areas of your life. There are numerous things you know you should probably do but feel there is no urgency to do them. Estate planning is one of those things...
Care for your loved ones who have special needs
Caring for a child who has special needs can invoke fear in parents. One of these fears is that there won't be anyone to care for the child if something happens to the parents. Some people don't understand that your child might need care even when they reach...
Keeping the family peace over estate planning decisions
A peaceful family is a happy family. Massachusetts residents who are working on their estate plans likely know that estate planning could be a very emotional undertaking that could elicit strong opinions from family members -- especially siblings. There are ways to...
Family disputes shouldn’t be part of the estate planning process
Massachusetts adults often put off thinking about the future because they assume they are too young or not wealthy enough to need any type of protection. As adults grow older and their children become adults, they may start to see the benefit of estate planning and...
Estate planning in the digital age
The 21st century has opened a new can of worms regarding estate plans. Now on the estate planning menu for many Massachusetts residents are digital assets. Many things have been digitized and not everything everyone owns is in a hard copy format. Anything online that...
Estate planning tools for different life stages
Massachusetts adults can benefit from making plans and looking to the future, regardless of age or income status. Estate planning is not something reserved only for the old and wealthy, but it is useful for individuals of all life stages. Having a plan in place will...
Estate planning documents include more than just a will
There is one thing people can do before they pass on to make things easier on their loved ones. No Massachusetts resident likes to think about his or her own demise, but taking some time out to work on estate planning documents may provide some comfort in knowing...